Runaway Train Synopsis: A hardened convict and a younger prisoner escape from a brutal prison in the middle of winter only to find themselves on an out-of-control train with a female railway worker while being pursued by the vengeful head of security. 'Runaway Train' was released in June 1993 as the fourth single from the band's 1992 album, Grave Dancers Union, and became a success around the world. It reached number five on the US Billboard Hot 100 and climbed to the top position on the Canadian RPM Top Singles chart, earning a gold sales certification from the Recording Industry. Soul Asylum – Runaway Train tab Intro: C Csus4 C C/D C / //// // // // // // 2x Alternative way to play this intro. C C add f C pull off to d C. Pretty much the same as above only strike the f and d instead of just using them as part of the chord.

We've got men arranged in ages from 14 to 19.

Unfortunately, all were killed in the subsequentcrash of the plane...

and theirnames are beingwithheld untilnotification of next of kin.

We switch now to our live action reporter at the federal courthouse...

with the latest on the Manheim-Stonehaven prison case.

We've just gotten word that the federal judge...

has issued his opinion.

We don't have all the details...

but apparentlyOscar Manheim, the notorious life-term prisoner...

who has been welded in his cell for three years...

has won his civilrights suit...

against officials at Stonehaven.

Stay with us for details.

In a few minutes we'll be back with comment...

from AssociateWarden Ranken.

Yeah! I say yeah!

Hey, Rogers.

Rogers, lookee here, man.

- What's up? - Manny's won his case.

The courtsordered to let him out of the hole.

- Great. That's great. - Yeah. Uh, Warden Ranken...

is gonna be on the tube soon.

Let the dudes in the cell blocks hear him talk that shit he talks.

Put channel nine into the speakers, man.

Hey, you got shit in your veins or what, man?

I was holding my mud around here...

when you were peeing in your diapers.

- All right. They'll all hear it. - Fucking A, man!

I say, Rogers-- Thanks, man. Yeah!

Soul Asylum Runaway Train Meaning

Nobody wantsprison to be a playground. We all want criminals punished...

but don't you think you shocked the public conscience...

by keeping a man welded in a cell for three years?

Well, a man, yes, but Manheim is an animal.

He broke out of here twice, he's robbed banks...

he-- he's a killer.

He doesn't care about your life, my life...

or even his own life.

F*ck your mother!

Hear that trash, Ranken!

Fat-faced faggot!

Somebody shoot that pansy vegetable!

Manny for president!

He believes in nothing. He's capable of anything.

I've worked in prisons for 26 years.

Cons with strings of murders are all afraid of Manheim.

Jesus Henry Christ! Yeah!

Burn it!

Hey, Jonah!

- Man, he did it, man. - Yeah.

He reallyfucking did it!


Yeah. That's good, man. I'll see you in the yard.

Well, if, as you say, he is an animal...

then why do all the other prisoners love him so much?

Well, um...

because they're mostlyanimals just like he is.

They wanna do whatever they want, no holds barred.

- Rogers, crack that door! - F*ck you...

and the horse you rode in on!

Open this goddamn door!

This is no country club, you know what I mean?

Stonehaven's averagesentence is 22 years.

Turn that fucker off!

Hey, Manny! We got visitors!

On your feet, convict.

On your feet.

I've got a federalcourtorder to let you out of the hole.

I could ask for a stay during the appeal.

I can last nine more months.

I couldstand on my head nine months.

- How about I kick your brains in? - F*ck you. Do it alone.

I don't dirty my hands on scum like you.

I'm gonna let you out in the yard.

And I hope you make a move so I can stop your clock. That's a promise.

Yeah, a promise. You promised to keep me in this hole the rest of my life.

Kept you in here for three years. That's long enough for me, kid.

Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

We'll see.

Please, try again...

Play Runaway Train

and I'll send you out of here in plastic.

You do what you have to do, and I will too.

Whatever happens happens.

Call the machine shop. Bring him to the yard!

That's your mama's fart hole.

The bitch is loud.

You're all punkshiding there, yelling in the dark.

Let me tell you where you assholes stand.

First, there's God...